A Life After Law School

Now that I've slapped the New York Bar Exam on the ass, and I am a real lawyer, Im going to use this blog to demonstrate the humor in life, to get a jump on all the non-law-related things I want out of life, and to prove once and for all that YES, THERE IS A LIFE AFTER LAW SCHOOL!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Free Country? PSSSSHHhhhaw!

We have come a long way since the time of Dorothy and Toto! The wonderful state of Kansas has passed a law prohibiting virtually ALL sexual activity by teenagers under 16, regardless of whether the teens "consent". According to the Kansas legislature, children aged 16 and under are incapable of consent.

Now, the big debate is whether health care providers and counselors will be required to rat out the juvenile delinquents. How many of you, my dear readers, would have been law breakers, if YOU grew up in Kansas under this law?

Even worse, what if Steve Alexander, assistant attorney general, were your father?
"Illegal sexual activity by minors can lead to S.T.D.'s, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, depression, mental illness," Mr. Alexander said. "To pretend otherwise is foolish." He said the case was in essence a challenge to the law barring consensual sex between young people of a similar age, which he called "a policy argument that plaintiffs would be better served making in the Legislature." (NY Times)

Uh, Mental Illness? Do you know anyone who has gone crazy because they had sexual contact before they were 18? Me neither. In fact, I think there are more documented cases of people who aren't getting any that go crazy! You know, the lady that lived in your neighborhood when you were growing up who was single all her life and had like 26 cats! SHE is the one we should worry about. Not the what the captain of the highschool football team and his beautiful cheerleader girlfriend do in his his Dad's Landrover on Saturday night.

Priorities, people!


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