A Life After Law School

Now that I've slapped the New York Bar Exam on the ass, and I am a real lawyer, Im going to use this blog to demonstrate the humor in life, to get a jump on all the non-law-related things I want out of life, and to prove once and for all that YES, THERE IS A LIFE AFTER LAW SCHOOL!

Monday, January 30, 2006


Hey, Im not one to promote stereotypes, I just report it as I see it. To quote the ever observant and philosophical Jay-Z:
Got this Chinese chick, had to leave her quick'
Cause she kept bootleggin my shit - man

Variety has reported that $50,000 bootlegged discs were seized in New York just recently. Can you guess which neighborhood? Full story here.

Come on, doesn't anyone have respect for copyrights and trademarks anymore? Does it really kill us to pay full price for a movie ticket? Yes, it does! Actors and Actresses get paid too much money, and we, Jane and Joe Moviegoer, are continually disappointed with hollywood flops! Besides the "Five dolla baby turtle" business isn't gonna keep the street lights burnin bright canal street, ya know?

While the US fights terrorism, China has its priorities in tact: focus on intellectual property rights! Thats a country after my own heart!

"China claims it is making progress in the war against piracy, citing 3,250 criminal prosecutions for violating intellectual property rights rules in the first 11 months of 2005, up 28% on the same period in 2004." (Variety)

Don't fear, friends, the bootleggers are like roaches: You can't kill them all, and they're are more of them than you could ever imagine.


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